What motivates me to write ninety thousand words? (Melissa Robbins)

Competition:  My writing buddy Fran and I Irish danced together for several years.  If one of us won a medal, the other would strive harder to win one too.  That healthy competition continues with our writing.  We write completely different genres and styles so that’s not an issue, but if one does well in a contest, the other wants to do even better.  Right now, Fran is in the lead with a 2nd place Maggie win and three agents clamoring for that story.  Fire under my bum, let me tell you.  Also, with regards to competition, WARA members are participating in a word count contest for the year.  I threw in my goal of 90,000 words this year, and by golly, I'm going to reach that goal. 

Bookstore:  Monday night, my daughter and I spent an evening at the bookstore searching for chapter books within a specific Accelerated Reader level for her new reading goal with the school.  Looking at all the books lining the shelves made me want to run home and write my story or at least send out queries. 

A New Story:  Nothing inspires me more than starting a new story.  The ideas are fresh.  The characters are new and I’m dying to know what they want to share with me. 

Movies and Books:  I’ll watch a movie or read a book in my genre and can’t wait to get my fingers on the keyboard or pen to paper. 

Drawing:  This is a bit of the chicken and the egg scenario.  Sketching out my characters makes me want to write about them.  Writing about my characters makes me want to draw them.  The drawings help when the words or feelings are in my head, but I can’t get them out and onto the page. 

There are other things, usually random ones that motivate me, but these are my top five. 


Penny Rader said...

Great post, Melissa. I do wish I had your ability to draw!

Melissa Robbins said...

Thanks, Penny. Drawing is just like writing. You start out bad, but learn how tos from the experts. With practice, you get better at it and create your own style.

Joan Vincent said...

What inspires and motivates can be so random for me. New stories definitely, especially setting up the characters. I don't draw but I always have a picture board of my characters with birth dates and any other important events etc. Thanks for getting me thinking!