Technical, Emotional, Reality, Fantasy, Oh my……

People love stories. It doesn’t matter whether they are spoken, written, or watched. But, the enjoyment of each delivery system is different.

When a story is spoken, the listener uses his own imagination to add details that enhance the story.  When a story is read, the reader uses his own imagination to add enhancing details that personalize the story for them. However, when a story is watched the story the writer wrote is enhanced by the music, the director’s vision, and the nuances added by the actors. These stories, although fine in themselves, are not the mind-candy of spoken or written stories.

Who provides the mind-candy teasers? We do. We are the writers of the written word. We battle technical demons—our computer software, memory machines, and other actual mechanical things. Then we argue over the best grammar and punctuation, spelling and word selection to give life to the story. We hope to breathe emotion and life into our characters. We fight over whether more reality or less is better in every scene.  The fantasy world we work in sometimes fights with the fantasy worlds of our readers, editors, and other professionals needed to bring the best story to the market, hence re-writes.

Is it any wonder that we sometimes take on real world problems and leave our writing world to go to the dogs (dust covered) occasionally? Yet, we all would rather play in our worlds than do our real world every day duties. That is the insane part of the writer’s human condition.

Give us a beverage of choice, some extra pencils and paper, a couple of writers and we can while away time in a frenzy of fun…oh my.

I wrote this to remind us all that writing is exhausting, exciting, and intricate—but necessary to all  people. Keep up the good work.


Now to figure out how to get this posted since I inadvertently picked up a Trojan thingy trying to hook up my mom to football on the computer last Sunday and in getting rid of all such infections erased all of my passwords. If you see this on the 10th. I was successful. If you see it later—well it will be after a break and a cursing spell.


Anonymous said...

Hi All! I just finished reading all of the recent blog posts. They're fantastic!! Each of you worked hard, achieved a very good read, and yet, no comments have come our way. Please forgive everyone, it is not the quality of the work, it is the time of year and the pressure of life at this time. Good Job, Well Done everyone. And a heartfelt thank you for all of the info. I NEED IT!!

Penny Rader said...

Thanks for the reminder, Nina! I gave myself permission NOT to write during 2014 (except for my blog posts -- I've tried hard not to miss many of those, though I've been bad about reading and commenting). Now that 2014 is nearing its end I've got some deciding to do. Stress aggravates a chronic health condition I have, and while there are several aspects of my life where I'm still struggling with de-stressing, guilt-tripping myself the past years about not writing regularly was one thing I could try to minimize by giving myself time off. I don't think I'm done writing forever because I'll see or hear something and think "hmmmm," but I may need to extend my not-forcing-myself-to-write-and-not-feeling-guilty-about-it a bit longer.

I saw this quote from author Jonathan Gottschall the other day and it really struck a chord with me: We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories.

Nina Sipes said...

You might find writing relaxing. Think of it not as a job, but as play. Perhaps much of your stress is not having an outlet of fun. Writing is fun. It is the perception of what we MUST do that leaches fun from things. Please give yourself a chance to play in the words. As my daughter says, who has finished her first novel, "it doesn't matter if I ever am published. I finished this. I wrote this story. I chose the words. No one else. I had control. I was mistress of my universe." (ok, I think she was on a power roll and feeling good. Otherwise she sounded like a demented villianess....)