The phrase “writer’s block” is misconstrued by many. The belief that it connotates one who has nothing to write about is far from the truth. “Writer’s Block” can be defined as someone who has SO much to write about, that the author cannot filter the numerous topics and choose one.
This is one problem with writing: I have a ton of plots swirling in my head and choosing just one can pose conflict.
So, what to do?
Jotting down the ideas is one step and then selecting the one that piques the interest the most is the next.
After the top choice is determined, the dilemma that I face is actually sitting down and writing. I constantly think about my story, the characters and the outcome. My mind dreams up the beginning, the middle and the end, but placing the words on paper is almost inhibiting.
My life is chaotic. It is filled with grading, grading, grading, not to mention carting my children to ballet, boxing, guitar lessons and squeezing in something that is necessary in my life now: exercising. It is not an option any longer. My health must be improved and maintained in order to participate in the milestones of my daughters.
Writing problem? Not sure if that’s a precise phrase any longer. Writing obstacles seems to be synonymous.
When the window of opportunity arises, I seize it and write. I may not finish a book, chapter or page for that matter, but the happiness I feel at accomplishing a bit of writing is bittersweet.
Eventually, my life will settle down a bit and composing my stories and completing it will happen one day. I don’t have a set time for my pen to paper, and maybe I should pencil it in, but for now, it’s one baby step a day.
Tina, I use that time taking kids to their activities to write. When my girls were doing gymnastics, I sat there with a notebook and wrote for an hour. I keep small notebooks in every purse I own.
Your health is definitely important, Tina. Take care of yourself.
Like Melissa, when my kiddoes were younger and needed me to cart them around, I took my writing notebook along with me so I could write or edit while they participating in whatever they were doing or even if I was just waiting by the curb to pick them up from school. I liked to get there early so I could get a decent parking spot.
One reason why I like to write longhand is because it's portable. Though a lot people now have little computers they carry with them.
Unfortunately, my time with my kids activities is spent grading papers! Since I teach English, including two AP courses, my life is heavily involved with grading now - much more than it used to be. I try to single out time on Sundays to write. That's about the only way I can do it! Not an excuse - just a fact.
I didn't start to write until my daughter left home. I never could have done it when she was little. Life was too hetic. I can't tell you how much I admire people who can write with young children at home.
Don't worry, Tina. When the time is right, you'll have a ton of stories to share with the rest of the world and kids who love you because you were there for them.
Each person's priorities are different. We have to work with those or we'd never make it through life. No sense beating yourself up over it. :) As Pat said, the day will come when your priorities will change and you'll have more time for what you want to do. Enjoy time with the girls. They grow up so very fast.
Each of us is faced with many "opportunities" (how my sister puts things) in life and we have to decide at that moment in time which we will deal with.
Time with your kids will be gone before you know it, so take advantage of every opportunity you have to be with them.
Some day your life will shift in new directions. Your kids won't need you as much (See my tears as I think about this?). Your work will level out and somehow you'll gain some control of your world. Then you can concentrate more on writing. Don't sweat it now. Just store away your thoughts and write when you can.
I was listening to my conference tapes and one lady had an alphasmart? Anyway, she was a lawyer with two small children and went with the machine because you don't have to reboot it or anything. It goes right to where you were last. She said it was also amazingly sturdy as her children have stood on it. She says she writes while waiting for the bank clerk to finish or whenever she's in line. I thought that sounded quite handy. I too can attest that after the children go to college and aren't coming home any more even during summer break, that time can lie heavy on your head.
I have (make that 'had') an Alphasmart and it was great. Ran on 3 AAA batteries, so no plugging in, no temptation to check email. The work could be easily saved to Word by simply plugging a cord into Alphie and your computer, then watching it download into word, letter by letter.
My oldest grandson or a neighbor kid who was visiting dropped it onto the driveway from on top of the car a couple of years ago. At least that's the story.
They were the rage back in the word processor days, before laptops and even after laptops became popular. Much less expensive for one thing, and then there was that 'can't get to the email' thing, too. :)
Writing with your kids and work and home is definitely a challenge.
I started writing when mine were 10, 12,14. The only time that worked was 10 pm to 3 am. That worked because I wasn't working outside the home. When I went back to teaching writing slowed down and eventually stopped because of lesson planning, teaching, and grading and my own family. The time will come when writing is possible. Hang in there.
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