The most unusual thing in my office has to be the stuffed armadillo. Not stuffed as in once alive and now not so much thanks to the local taxidermist. No, my armadillo is soft, gray and furry--much like my husband. It was a gift from my dearest friend, Pat. (the stuffed animal--not my dh)
We were in Dallas attending an RWA conference and we'd just listened to a speaker from Texas report on the massive weather condition that had destroyed her part of the country and the one thing that seemed to survive and even thrive were the armadillos. As a person who is easily moved to tears, I remember her speech was quite moving and motivating. The whole point was that if the critters could survive such devastation that as writers, we should try to be more like them.
Resilient, thick-skinned and strong enough to adapt to the ever-changing landscape.
Pat found the stuffed armadillo in the gift shop and rewarded it to me along with a note reminding me to always be strong. Like the armadillo. I look at that critter every day and know that even though I don't look like an armadillo, even if I squint really hard, I can have the same characteristics. I can be tough. I can be an armadillo.
A Fond Farewell
5 years ago
I remember the gift well. I've seen it many times in your office. You don't look a thing like a hard-nosed scaly creature, but you have a resiliant heart. It will stand you in good stead when life gets rocky. We are all much stonger than we look.
I love the story and sounds like it such an inspiring speech as well. Writers are such an odd bunch, but in a very good way. We are often a lot stronger than we look, but at the same time it's so hard not to let what other people think of our writing work it's way under that thick hide.
I think I was there for that speech. Was it Lisa Jackson? It's been ages since I've able to go to conference. Hope to make it next year.
Pat, thanks for the animal and the compliment. What's the saying, What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger? I believe it!
Tammy, I wish we all had the hide of armadillo. It would make the rejections much easier to handle. Sigh..............
Penny,I think that was the conference we were all at so you're probably right about it being Lisa Jackson. That and the time we all went to Denver were good times. Can't wait until we can do it again.
I like to think that we're all a lot stronger that we believe we are.
And, yes, Reese, it's true that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
You're right. You don't look a thing like that armadillo, but you do have the strength of one. :)
A profound thought, Reese. If an author didn't have an inner resilience I doubt we would survive as writers much less as individuals. I'm summoning up some resilience now as I realize I misread or misinterpreted the blog topic for this month and know there's no way I can rewrite what I've got scheduled. Well, I am an armadillo. I am an armadillo. I am . . .
Thanks, Rox. If we're right about the strength then you can call me Super Woman.
Joan, you're probably right about the blog topic. I decided not to bother our web-wonderful-woman in charge again. Gez, you'd think a woman of my age could remember to write something down once in a while. Maybe I have the brain of an armadillo too.
Reese, I think you got the topic right! I'm the one with the armadillo brain.
That's great about the stuffed armadillo. I'm still laughing at the part, "soft, gray and furry--much like my husband." Maybe we should make an armadillo the WARA mascot.
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