
Pat Davids here.
Happy New Year, everyone.
It's 2014 already. Remember when we were waiting with bated breath for 2000 to arrive? Would the computer age survive or would we all go dark and descend into chaos?

It seems like only yesterday we were wondering if the Mayan's had it right and the world was doomed in 2012. The blockbuster movie by that name was okay, but not awesome. Turns out the Mayan's made great calendars but they couldn't predict their own downfall or the downfall of the planet. Actually, their calendar was predicting a new beginning, not an end. That was all Western hype. However, it turns out the Mayan's didn't exactly get the new start thing right, either. The universe is spinning onward as before. Nothing much has changed in our tiny corner of it.

In the face of such monumental failures to predict the future, I will refrain from making my own predictions for 2014. I've learned life is whimsical. As soon as I think I have things figured out, a new curve ball is hurtled in my direction. 2013 was no exception, I don't expect 2014 will prove to be any different.

I do know I love the game of life. I love the game of love, too. It's why I write romances. In spite of highs, lows and curve balls, I believe love makes our journey worthwhile. Sometimes, in the hurry-up rush of keeping-up, we forget to tell the people who matter how much we love them. Today, in the early hours of a new year, I'm going to take a moment to make sure they know how much I care.

I love you to infinity and beyond,
Kathy, Josh, Shantel, Mom, Dad, Greg, Bob, Mark, Gary, Theresa, Deb, Rox, Marietta, Barb, Mary, Kayleigh, Sadie, Charlie, Gladys, Edna, Boyd, Marilyn, Vern, Millie, Verna, Eugene, Henry, Rita, Ed, Gemma, and my David, always and forever darling.  


Reese Mobley said...

With age comes wisdom--so they say. And at the ripe old age of more than forty but less than sixty, I've learned that no matter what comes our way, we get through it. Our lives may be changed forever, but we survive and carry on,with the help of our friends and family.

I'm lucky to have several very good friends who love, encourage and believe in me and a close family who loves me unconditionally. My cup truly runneth over!

Pat Davids said...

Your words are so true, Reese. We get through it. Thanks for all you help along the way.

Rox Delaney said...

Love you, too, Pat. :)

I'm reminded of the Desiderata, which became popular back in the late 60s-early 70s. Yeah, I'm that old. Much older, actually.

Here's just a snippet of it.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Nina Sipes said...

Good post Reese!

Rox, The Desiderata has become an important part of our family. Everyone has a copy on the wall. I read somewhere it was found on a wall in a church back east dated in the 1600's. I love the thing because it reminds us that there is a place for all of us and to not despair if our gifts seem less than others at any given time.
I like that. Makes me less cranky.

Rox Delaney said...

Nina, it's beautiful. But the rumor that it was written in the 1600s isn't true. Yeah, bummer, huh? Here's what Wikipedia says:

**American writer Max Ehrmann (1872–1945) wrote the prose poem "Desiderata" in 1927. In 1956, the Reverend Frederick Kates, rector of Saint Paul's Church in Baltimore, Maryland, included Desiderata in a compilation of devotional materials for his congregation. The compilation included the church's foundation date: "Old Saint Paul's Church, Baltimore A.D. 1692". Consequently, the date of the text's authorship was (and still is) widely mistaken as 1692, the year of the church's foundation.**

When I first read it, however many decades ago that was, I assumed it's as old as it said. I learned different, later. But whenever it was written, it's still a powerful message.

Joan Vincent said...

Not an ending but a new beginning. You are definitely a glass half full person! I like the idea and it is good for the soul since life never goes the way we think it should. When a door closes a window opens--that's how I got into writing!