New Beginings

Pat Davids here.

Our blog topic for this month is NEW BEGINNINGS.

I'm starting a new term as president of WARA, so I guess you could say that's a new beginning of a sort.

As a writer, I immediately think of the start of a new novel. That oh-so-important first sentence. Sometimes, I nail it when I start the book. More often than not, it comes to me when I'm a few chapters into the new work. Catchy first sentences are awesome when they're done right.

As a nurse, I think of babies when I think of NEW BEGINNINGS. Nothing is more full of promise than a newborn child. The world and everything in it is new to a baby. They see everything for the first time. Mother's face, Dad's face, the sky, the sun, the stars. Nothing is old hat to a baby. What an awesome way to start people.

So, maybe I should combine a catchy first sentence with a newborn baby it for my next novel, what do you think?

Come one writers. Step up and give me an opening line. I'll go first.

Carly Winston stared at the three handsome men grouped nervously at the foot of her hospital bed and wondered which one of them was the father of the baby she held in her arms.


Joan Vincent said...

The swirl of cold and snow followed Lord Blake as he mounted the carriage step but it was the squall of the tiny bundle on the seat inside that momentarily froze him.